Thursday, January 28, 2010

New photos

Just took some fun pictures of the kids this weekend and thought I would share them.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What a difference a day makes

No...the snow didn't all melt in a day. They are clearing the lot next to us, so there is mud everywhere. Mix that with melting snow and it is a mess!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Winter wonderland...I mean MESS

Here are some pictures of the snow in our neighborhood after the last two blizzards hit. We don't live in the U.P. right? How bout upper Minnesota? No...this is NEBRASKA!

This is the snow that is piled up in front of our house. It took them over a week to just clear a path down our street! Before that, most of us had worn down a path that got us to the bigger street. I say most as there was another driver in our family who thought she would be adventurous and go off road with her 4wheel drive. Let's just say that didn't work too well for her.

This is snow up against the school. Some of the teachers can't even see out their windows!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The huge snow drift in the backyard has to be good for something!

My wife spent most of the day in 4 degree weather taking down my Christmas decorations while I was with 2 of the kids at dance. When we came home, she built a tunnel into the 5 foot snow bank in the back yard. We took similar pictures in 2007 and here are the comparisons. Wow the kids have grown up!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pictures from Christmas...part 2

Pictures from Christmas

Sorry for the delay in posting these photos! Here is a look into Christmas morning at the Becker household.

Gifts from Gma and Gpa.