Sunday, December 13, 2009

Piano Recital at mall today

After 8 basketball games yesterday, the Beckers were up for a change of pace. The kids did great! They each played two Christmas songs and they all sounded great!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2 snow days and one more yet tomorrow!

I made the kids stand for pictures before I would let them in the house yesterday. By this time they were very cold and really didn't want to have their pictures taken.
Today was the second day off. The kids decided to sled and snowboard down the driveway and down the snowdrifts in the backyard.

If it wasn't for our neighbor behind us, we still would be stuck in our house. You can see our street. He has his own snow removal business and found out by chance that we still hadn't been plowed out. The snow was up to my knees at some points on our street. He made a path so we can get out. ConAgra was closed today, so no issue today, but Kori would have had a problem tomorrow if not for our neighbor. Here is a picture of our street from our driveway. You can see it is only wide enough for a car to pass. Hopefully the city will plow everything out tonight or tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thanksgiving photos

Great picture with Nana and the kids!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Kedzie and I are "zipping" along!

Here are a couple of pictures of Kedzie and I doing the zip line during our church retreat this last weekend. I took Kedzie's picture and she took mine. Way to go Kedz!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Photos from the weekend

Logan's first basketball game this season. He loves to play defense, but he doesn't like to shoot much.

We took some great pictures in the yard Saturday afternoon. Couldn't believe the great weather and the temperament of the dog.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Crazy Hair Day at School

The boys really wanted to do it up right for crazy hair day at school! Austyn is like a Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde. Kori straightened half his hair last night and the other half he left curly. Logan
wanted to have three mohawks in his hair!

A.J.'s first basketball game last night

Here he is in his warm up uniform before the game.

Here he is doing the jump at the start of the game. He got possession for his team.

Here he is scoring the first points of the season for his team.

Here he is shooting a free throw after getting fouled on a made basket. Free throw didn't look so hot, but we loved the effort.

AJ was a rebounding machine...well not really, but here is one of his boards.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween photos and Lincoln Logs

The boys had their Halloween party at school on Thursday as they didn't have school today. Here are some photos I took.

Kori also took some photos of Logan's Lincoln Log masterpiece that he made today.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Musselman's commercial during Halloween on Ice

This was actually part of the Halloween on Ice show! It aired nationally. We think you will recognize the children in this video!

ConAgra PSA with the kids and Kori featured

This PSA ran during the NBC sports showing of Halloween on Ice, this Sunday. I think you will see some people you might know. If you saw my previous post, you might be able to pick out some of the skaters in the background.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ice skating with champions

We had a great time on Friday. Kori was shooting a PSA for ConAgra and she got the kids involved. They got to skate with some world champions and be on camera. I will post the video when that becomes available. Here are some great photos that I was able to take while the kids were on the ice.

This is our favorite ConAgra Exec. getting interviewed for the PSA

Here Kedzie is skating with Tamar Katz, a world champion from Isreal.

Nancy Kerrigan is teaching Logan to skate by himself. He was so proud of himself. He kept telling me how he learned to skate by himself.

Here the kids are skating with Jennifer Robinson, Canadian World Champion. She was so great with the kids

Here Kedzie gets some alone time with Jennifer

Here Madi is skating with Elvis Stojko. Kori said the funniest thing later on when talking to Madi about this. She said that Madi "did it" with Elvis Stojko. She said that was so gross and everyone laughed.

AJ didn't make it long on the ice, so this is one of the first pictures I took. Like I said, Jennifer Robinson was so good with the kids!

After they were done skating they all got to be in a group video shot and said "Thank you ConAgra Foods." That will be aired as part of the PSA. On behalf of the Becker kids, Thank you Kori for making this happen for the kids...Even if we were 15 minutes late.