Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2 snow days and one more yet tomorrow!

I made the kids stand for pictures before I would let them in the house yesterday. By this time they were very cold and really didn't want to have their pictures taken.
Today was the second day off. The kids decided to sled and snowboard down the driveway and down the snowdrifts in the backyard.

If it wasn't for our neighbor behind us, we still would be stuck in our house. You can see our street. He has his own snow removal business and found out by chance that we still hadn't been plowed out. The snow was up to my knees at some points on our street. He made a path so we can get out. ConAgra was closed today, so no issue today, but Kori would have had a problem tomorrow if not for our neighbor. Here is a picture of our street from our driveway. You can see it is only wide enough for a car to pass. Hopefully the city will plow everything out tonight or tomorrow.

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